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Oxypod™ has a 15-year guarantee

40-year life expectancy

Most water entering a property contains 2.5% air which has a detrimental performance on the efficiency of a central heating or cooling system

Oxypod™ is a Patent granted (European), multi-award winning, UKAS approved & leading University tested product that removes dissolved air (Nitrogen and Oxygen) from the water in heating and cooling systems using the 'natural forces of nature'.

This compact innovative device produces outstanding results to improve the performance of heating systems - radiators and underfloor heating work to their optimum performance generating the required heat to all spaces with less strain on the boiler (proven in testing using infra-red imagary and heating probes). Less energy is used and there is no requirement to bleed radiators in the future..

In a cooling system the removal of Oxygen dramatical improves the performance and reduces expensive maintenance issues along with removing cavitation.With no moving parts Oxypod™ has a lifetime expectancy of 40-years and a 15-year guarantee; it can save thousands of pounds on future energy bills and maintenance costs.

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Highly Recommended

Oxypod customers really do recommend the product!

"Boiler turned down within one hour of Oxypod™ Install"

Hennessey Build on behalf of Royal Borough of Greenwich.

"Pleasingly our heating bills have reduced as estimated"

Mr & Mrs Zywicki of Menston, West Yorkshire.

"What I found was unbelievable within half an hour all 7 radiators had reached target temperature. I can't believe how well this product works and I will be recommending Oxypod™ to all my customers from this day forth."

Hennessey Build on behalf of Royal Borough of Greenwich.

"I have just got my energy statement and it is reduced massively."

Retired Mechanical Engineer of Selby, Yorkshire.

"Very Pleased to report that 5 weeks after installing an Oxypod™ device, gas consumption for central heating is down by 27%"

David Masterton.

"The whole place feels warmer and cosier"

Private Care Home in Aberdeen.
For more reviews from Oxypod customers go to Oxypod Reviews

Every Good Home

Central Heating